I love RAFM's Vampire Counts / Undead miniatures

2014-08-11 Khaiell

In my Vampire Counts army Citadel models are reduced almost to unit fillers (with the notable exception of the Terrorgheist model that I like very much)

Skeletal War Wagon / Corpse Cart from RAFM

Actually this is more a love declaration than a review (let the pictures speak for themselves) but I can't help it: the Skeletal War Wagon is one of my favourite miniatures of all time. I have it magnetised so I can exchange passengers and use it for various gaming purposes, usually as a Vampire Counts Corpse Cart.

Quality of the cast is much better than Games Workshop's fincast. They are made of semi-soft metal resembling lead (so don't chew on them in case they are really just made of lead). The sculpts strive for invoking special feel rather than computer assisted, emotionless perfection.

RAFM's webstore is not easy to navigate, so look for:

See the pictures as separate pages: Skeletal War Wagon / Corpse Cart from RAFM * A necromancer with skeletal archers from RAFM * Skeletal cavalry / Black Knights from RAFM lead by a Wight King * Skeleton warriors from RAMF and Harlequin with Citadel models as fillers

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