All my terrain and miniature bases get the "trampled grass" look. Here is how to make it
Grass around a bunker that has seen a lot of fighting is going to be trampled and muddy all right
Glue some static grass, leaving irregular patches of flat areas that will become mud. Press the grass with something flat like a painting cup bottom immediately
Spread a thick layer of un-thoroughly mixed gypsum plaster to the patches of mud
Paint the whole grass with heavily diluted dark green paint. I use Humbrol 105 Marine Green mixed with turpentine — it will protect your models against bugs as well :-)
Paint some areas of grass with diluted earthly brown (as Humbrol 113 Rust) and matt red paints
The patches of mud are painted with an irregular mix of dark green and brown
The mud is subsequently painted with a semi-glossy varnish
Most fantasy and SF wargames are accused of being nothing more than glorified dice games. Whether this is true or not, dice are really the number one game pieces you will hold in your hand. They better be good then! The new dice from GW are great - if you handle them right, that is. »