Liquid Green Stuff as a texture paste

2017-03-24 Khaiell

Originally designed to fill gaps in failed finecast miniatures it does a really bad job at that. However it works great for adding texture to models and fixing problems with the "Chinese import" quality Games Workshop terrain

Liquid Green Stuff as a texture paste

For this demonstration I picked a super-glossy-flat element typical of the new Games Workshop terrain piece quality (a glaring lack of texture).

  • I covered it flat with Liquid Green Stuff,
  • Then I applied a black undercoat
  • followed by Mechanicus Standard Grey roughly drybrushed over it
  • and finished with a delicate drybrush with Dawnstone

You can compare this with other texturing methods I reviewed and decide which one suits you best for a given project.

See the pictures as separate pages: Liquid Green Stuff as a texture paste * Liquid Green Stuff as a texture paste

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