Technical accuracy

2011-06-13 Khaiell

In most sci-fi models you will see mysterious pipes, panels, valves and free-flowing cables. This may cause some more technically-educated observers to rise their eyebrows but...

Sci-fi silos

… in the spirit of Warhammer 40k I will answer to that:

Forget the promise of the Dark Age of Technology! In the 40th Millennium only the light of the Omnissaiah Emperor can save you from the laughter of the thirsty gods of corruption!

If, after a careful chanting of the Litany of the Ducts and making a proper incensation, the Imperial Tarot showed this and no other layout of the pipes, so it shall be constructed or your soul is doomed to eternal damnation!

If you have a different opinion you are advised to consult your local inquisitor.

See the pictures as separate pages: Sci-fi silos * Scratch-build Space Ork killa-kan * Sci-fi bridge with a sewer pouring dangerous chemicals

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