The gate of Minas Tirith

2016-04-02 Khaiell

The project was created with plaster of Paris blocks cast in-house and glued together with simple white glue. Then undercoated and drybrushed. The structure has been used extensively in various demo games of Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings line

More tagged: plaster · drybrushing · cast bricks
The gate of Minas Tirith

I built the Gate of Minas Tirith with Jaroslaw Grabowski of WargamingZone and BuyPainted fame who is also the author and the producer of the moulds.

See the pictures as separate pages: The gate of Minas Tirith * The gate of Minas Tirith * The gate of Minas Tirith * The gate of Minas Tirith * The gate of Minas Tirith * …more

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