Painting Warhammer 40k Tyranids

2011-07-25 Khaiell

Several easy steps to quickly paint an entire Tyranid army. Presented in phases so that you can field your miniatures fast and pimp them up later

Tyranid Geanstealers

Phase 1: Three colours to make you go

  • Bronzed Flesh on most body, claws &c.
  • Enchanted Blue on carapace plates (mostly back and tail but for example Trygons and Zoanthropes have pieces of it on the chest)
  • Blood Red on "open flesh" pieces like joints, mouth, brain (see the Malanthrope) &c.

Just paint the base to your usual design (for example Goblin Green) and you are ready to go.

Phase 2: Washes

  • Start with Ogryn Flesh wash on areas painted earlier with Bronzed Flesh and Blood Red
  • Wash carapace pieces with Badab Black
  • Apply carefully thinned Badab Black to other areas to bring out some crevices

Phase 3: Highlights

  • Highlight body elements with Elf Flesh
  • Layer highlights on claws and weapons with mixtures of Elf Flesh and Skull White
  • Do the same on carapace elements with mixtures of Enchanted Blue and Skull White as well

See the pictures as separate pages: Tyranid Geanstealers * Tyranid Malanthrope and Genestealers * Eldar Female Guardian vs. Tyranid Reaper Swarms * Tyranid Malanthrope

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