How to remember which paints you used

2017-04-28 Khaiell

Taking down notes seems to be a must when you have hundreds of paints to choose from. But it takes time and the notes can be easily lost over time. There is another, quick and secure way however: snapshots taken with your phone that are kept in a dedicated album.

Snapshots make it easy to remember which paints you used

After you finished a stage of painting just pose a sample model in front of the paint pots. Your smartphone camera can easily snap a picture that will be sharp enough for you to read the paints’ names. Just remember to:

  • Focus the camera on the paint pots, not on the models,
  • Set the pots in such a way that you can guess a paint’s name. „Cita— Gla— Bloodl—” is enough to recognise Citadel’s Bloodletter Glaze paint,
  • Once the picture is taken add it to a special album in an app you use for your photos.

If you have set an automatic backup for your smartphone (you should have) your painting notes will be kept safely and in an easy to access way in the cloud.

See the pictures as separate pages: Snapshots make it easy to remember which paints you used

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