Hacking the Void Shield Generator

2017-10-23 Khaiell

The Games Workshop's Void Shield Generator is a splendid kit but only if you build it differently than recommended on the box. I show step by step how to make a piece of industrial terrain from it, rather than the nouveau riche Christmas tree as recommended officially.

Eldar, Adeptus Mechanicus and Space Marines fight for the Void Shield Generator

Follow it and cut the required components from corrugated cardboard:

Hacking the Void Shield Generator: parts
Hacking the Void Shield Generator: parts
Hacking the Void Shield Generator: elements
Hacking the Void Shield Generator: elements

As you can see I covered the edges of the roof with some masking tape.

When you have it all prepared, glue it together. It is important to use some weight to make the structure straight:

Hacking the Void Shield Generator: glueing it all together
Hacking the Void Shield Generator: glueing it all together

The next step will be adding a base. You have to also add some buttresses inside so that the original plastic roof does not fall through the cardboard structure over time:

Hacking the Void Shield Generator: support buttresses
Hacking the Void Shield Generator: support buttresses

Note the finish on the edges:

Hacking the Void Shield Generator: glueing to the base
Hacking the Void Shield Generator: glueing to the base

You can paint the thing as usual, following my guide if you wish.

This is how it ended up, compared to the original:

Hacking the Void Shield Generator: comparison to the original
Hacking the Void Shield Generator: comparison to the original

See the pictures as separate pages: Eldar, Adeptus Mechanicus and Space Marines fight for the Void Shield Generator

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